The Beginning of the Chandra Vamsha: A Tale of Divine Transformation

Dive into the enchanting tale of King Sudyumna, whose life takes an unexpected turn when he unknowingly steps into a cursed forest belonging to Goddess Parvati. Transformed into a woman named Ila, Sudyumna grapples with a new identity and the challenges it brings. Fate leads Ila to meet Budha, the son of the Moon God Chandra, and their union results in the birth of Pururavas, the founder of the legendary Chandra Vamsha or Lunar Dynasty.

Pooja Singh


In this captivating tale from Indian mythology, the noble King Sudyumna's life takes a dramatic turn when he unknowingly enters a cursed forest belonging to Goddess Parvati. As a result of the curse, Sudyumna is transformed into a woman, Ila. Struggling to adapt to this new life, Ila eventually meets Budha, the son of the Moon God Chandra. They fall in love and have a son, Pururavas, who becomes the founder of the Chandra Vamsha, the legendary Lunar Dynasty.

But Ila's heart yearns for her former self. How does she balance her past and present, and how can she live both as King Sudyumna and Ila?

To discover how this divine transformation was made possible, read the full story on Storyweaver.

Budha and IlaBudha and Ila